Thursday, April 2, 2009

LylaJ's Stun Guns Self Defense Products

Self defense products like stun guns, pepper sprays, Tasers etc. have received a lot of publicity in the last few years. You get a dose every day on television or the internet on how they are used or misused.

They have been used for decades by military and law enforcement personnel because they work so well. The track record proves it.

They have become popular in the civilian community largely due to the increase in crime over the years, improvements in the products, and widespread availability on the internet.

Crime is everywhere. Crime against persons and property has gotten to the point where individuals need to learn how to protect themselves and their families. The police just can’t do it all.

Some have a difficult time dealing with the moral issue of using a lethal weapon in defending yourself, family and property. So you have made a conscious decision to get a stun gun. That is the easy part. Deciding on the right one can be confusing.

Remember a STUN GUN like any self defense product is meant to give you time to get away from a dangerous situation. They are not meant to injure anyone. However, you also need to be alert to your surroundings, stay out of dangerous places, and take appropriate action-in other words-USE COMMON SENSE!!

When we talk about stun guns it is a big topic. There are literally hundreds of choices in stun guns from as many as 9-10 different manufacturers each with its’ own complete product line. We carry the biggest selection of stun guns available on the internet.

A stun gun is a handheld device that has a trigger (button) and two or more metal prongs at the end of the unit that when activated sends 80,000 to 1.2 million volts to the assailant. This causes disruption in the body’s neurological impulses that control muscle movement overwhelming the neuromuscular system causing the victim to lose balance and become confused.

The energy stored in the gun is dumped into the attacker’s muscles causing them to do a great deal of work rapidly. This makes the assailant unable to produce energy for his muscles and his body is unable to function properly. The assailant will be unable to move for about 3-10 minutes because his blood sugar is depleted. This allows the victim enough time to get away and get help.

Some stun guns can be disguised as FLASH LIGHTS or CELL PHONES.

Stun guns are not legal in some states. Check with your local police department first before you get one.

So, what are you waiting for checkout our huge selection of "Stun Guns " and get the best one for yourself.

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